

JW Support is now helping 50 children in Savar.
Some options for contributing to this project are :

  • financial adoption on a monthly basis;
  • providing food for some 25 children for one day;
  • sponsoring their education.


Education is one of the most important instruments to leave poverty behind.

JW Support stand by Dino Halder, who’s Lef for Life organization takes care of 90 youngsters in one of its boarding schools and provides 165 children with free education and a decent meal at a school in one of the slums in the capital Dhaka

In addition to primary and secondary education they also receive computer lessons, singing and dancing classes and learn various handicrafts such as sewing, embroidery, crocheting and creating jewelries from the coconut skin.


The LEF for LIFE organization is not only active at the different schools we mentioned at the page SLUMGIRLS. Every year they select 25-30 young women to train them for a variety of handicrafts. The workshops prepare them to join a job in a tailoring workshop or factory, or they even might be able to start their own shop.

Originally LEF (Love, Education, Food) is the necessary basis for every person to develop.


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